Sunday, August 2, 2015

Review: Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides

For the past few weeks I've been putting two scoops of Vital Proteins' Collagen Peptides into my morning coffee. I know I don't get enough protein in my diet, and I want to jump start my metabolism first thing. However, I don't want to use protein loaded with crap like artificial sweeteners. Vital Proteins seemed to fit the bill with their collagen peptides, and I like the way they raise their cattle (the source of the collagen). According to their website:
Our cattle graze on lush grasslands in Brazil and are not given hormones, steroids, or antibiotics. They eat their natural diet – grass, and receive plenty of open space and sunshine. We believe in providing our animals with an environment that nature intended, and the result is a high quality protein that is natural and pure.
Just two scoops gives me 18g of extra protein. My coffee gets a sort of malty-quality to it from the peptides, but otherwise doesn't taste or "feel" much different! There are about 28 servings per container, so one container lasts about a month for me.

Not long into starting this peptide habit, not even two weeks, I noticed a few benefits:

  1. My normally brittle, flaky nails stopped flaking and breaking. I'm not used to having to cut my nails to keep them from getting too long! I have one particular problem nail: my thumbnail on my right hand. For the past ten years or so the tip would have a tendency to fracture in the same spot, requiring me to cut off everything that grew past the tip of the finger -- and sometimes more! I guess I have an unconscious tendency to press one of my other nails into that spot until it just fractures. This hasn't happened in weeks! In fact, that spot on the nail is a little more opaque than the rest of the nail, leading me to believe it's been fortified against future stress.
  2. My skin is a little more dewy or glowy looking without changing my skincare regimen.
Some other changes I've noticed may coincide with the protein and/or other habits I started (exercising more, incorporating yoga into my exercise routine, and nightly recounting "good things that happened" during the day). I figure I'll list these changes even though I can't prove correlation to any one thing.
  1. I don't freak out or overreact as easily as I used to. For instance, when something unplanned and unfortunate would happen, like spilling or breaking something, I used to fume about it, stomp my feet, and be generally miserable for a protracted period of time. Now I just shrug it off, deal with the cleanup without a second thought or fuss, and go on with my day. Whoa!
  2. I seem to sleep better. I have fewer instances of insomnia and tend to wake up less frequently in the night. That said, I have yet to have a night where I didn't wake up at least twice before morning! Vital Proteins does indicate this as one of the benefits of their peptides -- "Natural glycine improves sleep quality."
A final thing I've noticed: I get hungrier during the morning after having my coffee with the added protein. I like to think this means I'm being successful at jump starting my metabolism in the morning. Eating more has not led to weight gain, although I wouldn't be surprised if my lean mass has increased! Mind you, eating more for me is a granola bar or a Greek yogurt I otherwise wouldn't have eaten, not a whole extra feast.

I really like the containers. They are sturdy and substantial. I'll probably repurpose them.

I do own their gelatin as well but haven't had the opportunity to use it, besides a bulletproof coffee fail. Gelatin gels or solidifies when it cools, and I don't drink coffee quickly. I had a coffee gelatin mold as a result! Luckily, the peptides don't gel...

There are so many things you could use the gelatin for. I have some puddings, gummy snacks, and marshmallows in mind. For inspiration you can check out the company's recipe archive, which includes recipes for their peptides and their gelatin.

Please note: If you follow any of the links in this post and end up buying something from Vital Proteins, I actually get an incentive, which will go toward future replenishments of my protein supply. If you do intend to buy, please help a friend out and use one of my affiliate links, like the one for the image below. I figured I'd been talking the company up so much, I might as well get myself affiliate status with them!

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